Tuesday, January 30, 2007

The Mile High Duo

Tuesday and we were back to the ol grind one last time! I heard back from SWIF and "congratulations you have received $1000" Thats great guys, when do I get the other half? Needless to say I have commenced the appeal process. We had our OT support meeting and Jo and I both presented on our projects that we had worked on while here on placement. I created a new kitchen assessment to be used by the facility, and everyone said it was heaps better than what they had been using, so job done. Becky and I were then off to complete a worksite assessment on a guy who was injured playing tag rugby (I didnt ask). Becky handed me the assessment form in the parkign lot and said here do you want to complete the assessment. I joked about how she spent the OT meeting complaining that she didnt have enough training for these assessments and now she was handing me the form and sending me in cold...but I had a hard time refusing since its a type of work I enjoy and I havent done much else lately :P So I completed that assessment without destroying the poor boys faith in our profession and we were out of there by 2. The weekend had taken some of the wind out of my sails and Becky had noticed so we decided to call it a day at 2! To relieve the stresses of travelling and money Becky and I went for a great hard run, it was so great, I didnt even feel out of shape, I kicked it really hard and just ran and ran! At her apartment gym I showed her some exercises that I had learned from Laura and from around the gym and then swam some laps in the pool. I finished off with a quick dip in the hot tub! Becky lives in a very posh place, and I also finally got to meet her much talked about bloke Frank (whose name is actually Kevin...dont ask). Walking home I could feel how rejuvenated I was...a new found energy! Back at the apartment I showered because I had a hot date! Jo and I had reservations for the sky towers orbit restaurant that slowly spins high above the city. Because of the special occasion we both donned our cute dresses (her in polka dots, me in sail boats) and made our ascent to the main observation deck. It wasnt AS impressive as I had imagined but cool as none the less! They even had a glass floor so we could practice psyching ourselves up for the bungee jump! We were seated in our seats up in the restaurant, in the 2nd row which meant another table was between us and the window...bummer. Jo asked to get us moved but no can do. Our mission: stay as long as possible. Our time of exit from the tower: 11pm. Mission status: success. The key element to the success in our mission was our well timed staggering of ordering items, so that while one ate or drank or nursed her free glass of wine (yes we had a coupon!) the other preoccupied herself with another dining experience. I am pretty sure we were not well loved by the waiting staff who wanted to turn our table over...we however were going to soak up as much of our moneys worth as possible. Upon our first order the waiter asked us if we would like bread, Jo who had just earlier mentioned they should have bread here which ensued into an east side marios talk piped up and immediately said yes...the result was a 4.50 addition to our bill. Sneaky little buggers...our revenge...we counted that as his tip. muahahaha! We left the tower when we were told "the deck will be closing in ten minutes ladies" We walked home stuffed to the gills, how stuffed were you melissa? JoAnna offered to treat us to 50cent icecreams and we both declined if thats any indication. I woke up this morning (Wed) feeling pretty sick to my stomach....likewise for Jo...hmmm?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice accomplishment of the mission! Impressive. Those must have been quite the dresses you two were wearing!