Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Shopping for Property

Been busy at work this week, and I use busy in a loose sense. Havent had much time to do the school work we were supposed to do however, I have no idea when they expected us to fit that nonsense in! I took the bus up to the Sony Solution Centre this morning instead of heading right to the train. It was a tearful reunion as my camera missed me very much. She was so delighted to see me, well frankly she was delighted to see anything as she had been blind for a few days. They replaced her lens so she is like brand new. Wait....she is brand new! Total cost was 134.50, total cost out of my pocket 0%. That's how I like to do business. The church where the bus let me off was St.Davids Presbyterian...I didnt know we had another branch. I think I will start going to that one instead...who's with me? Today we went to a beach on the Tasman sea....much different than the Pacific ones...very rough and the sand was black! Everytime we go on another outing I find new places I want to live. I cant even describe the scenery...hardly anything is flat, massive rolling hills and mountains that peek through to the crashing sea! I enjoyed the area around Awhitu if youre looking for me when I dont return as scheduled.
I think Jo is going to come to work with me tomorrow and then we get a long weekend, Monday is Auckland day so dont forget to celebrate! Each city centre has its own holiday and they dotn really have a NZ day as we have Canada day...and I hear they dont fireworks, no parades...just a day off. Hogwash...give me a party! This weekend we will be renting a car and driving out to the places we need to fit in before we head south! Next weekend! We are on real holiday NEXT WEEKEND!! Piha beach is on the schedule, it's quite popular...and Dad and Emily do you remember the Discovery show we watched that had Bondi Beach...I have been told the lifeguards look the same...I will be taking a picture of course...because I have a camera...I will be taking pictures every time I turn around. I will not let the camera out of my hand for the rest of the trip. I almost bought 10 new tapes at sony today, but I am going to shop around for the best price first...there it was $90. Oh and when I got back from the outing there was a msg from mom on the phone! She found me! Havent heard that voice in awhile!


Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you got your camera fixed because Melissa without a camera is like pizza without pepsi, NZ without kiwis, Canada without hockey, Sonny without Cher, you catch my drift. Snap away!!


Melissa said...

Ah yes, I actually wrote home that being in NZ without a camera is like awakening from a fabulous dream and coming to the discovery that it wasnt real...You're going through the motions but sometimes you want more to really capture that moment!

Anonymous said...

What do you mean by "shopping for property"? You really aren't coming home are you??
Hope you have a great long weekend!
Luv ya,Mom