Thursday, January 18, 2007

AUT School of OT

I am at Jo's workplace in Kumeu so I did get a chance before Monday to play on this. I was able to fix the pictures on the post titled Week One, so I hope now they are viewable. We were picked up this morning outside our apt by Mathijs the AUT fieldwork coordinator and we got a tour of the OT school and a history lesson on NZ (his favourite subject in school!) Their school si quite spread out and intertwined with physio, nursing and pediatry so there is no real clear OT section (aside from a cubby space in the office he explained). He thought it was pretty funny when we took pictures. He thought it was too bad the students wouldnt get to meet us, although he said we wouldve been swarmed with questions! We popped into the bookstore to see if they had AUT OT merchandise, but they didnt. They did however have a lot of the same texts as us...aside from the Maori culture sensitivity ones etc. We then took the bus into Jo's farm to "work on our project" and now we are going to do some more research at the winery down the street! The weather is beautiful and we are goign to stop in at another fabric store in Henderson and then see if we can catch the beach volleyball tournament at the tennis courts by our apt!


Anonymous said...

What a horrible placement this is!Beach volleyball,wineries,blah,blah,blah So, have you applied for a job there yet??
The weather has been awful here this week - getting to work Wed, afternoon was one of the worst drives ever!No school again today. Emily has way too much time to study for exams.
Too bad they didn't have OT stuff for sale.
Your pictures look great. Luv ya,Mom

Anonymous said...

Hi from Millie. Sounds like your having a blast. Play safe.