Thursday, January 04, 2007

Ah weekends...

Last night Jo and I met up at the travel bureau and booked our coach tickets to Rotorua. We will be leaving on Sat morning and then returning Sunday night. Although it turns out I am getting Friday afternoons off so we might've been able to leave earlier. While there we are hoping to go Zorbing, for those who I havent already told about this it is basically rolling down a hill inside a big rubber ball. You can opt for the wet or dry version. I am still contemplating this decision...wet sounds like it would be pretty exciting because you would fly all around, but the dry option offers me the chance to film the descent. Hmm...I'll perhaps base my decision on price. Either way it will be filmed...although from the outside it will just look like a ball rolling down a hill. :) We will also be visiting a Maori village where we will watch a show and take part in a feast. There are some other options in the area but these are our only for you will have to stay tuned on Monday, your sunday morning, for an update on our excitement! We didnt get a chance to book our rugby tickets because the place closed. We then ate supper at Dennys and had BLT's and fries for 7$ which is one of the best prices we had seen around...although the fries were not up to my fry standards haha! The Maori dictionary says that those fries were torouka (uncooked). We then stopped in at Borders book shop to check out their Maori section...JoAnna was hoping to pick up a Maori dictionary. We spent a long time reading through the books and there were so many we wanted to take home. However books are pricey and heavy so we had to leave them behind. I did purchase a new journal as mine is nearly full and a bugger to write in because it is small and stiff, and also a book on Maori legends. I almost got a new copy of Whale Rider as mine has disappeared but I am still hopefull that it will reappear soon! We were pretty tired at that point so we retired to our apartment to journal and sleep! Today was a pretty slow day at work as most of the clients who are communicative were out at day programs. Becky and I went over some goals and I read more up on the clients. She is off at a meeting and I am free for the afternoon to go home and "study" which she said is code for shop. I am very excited about our trip this weekend, it shoudl be a blast. Although Becky says we couldve saved a lot of money by renting a car and driving...but the travel lady told Jo it was more expensive. More research for next time I guess...and we'll save the kiwi's from having to experience us on the roads! Speaking of Kiwi's I see some here now, I may go eat my first NZ kiwi then catch the train home and "Study". I miss you guys heaps and so many times wish you could be here experiencing everything as I do!
Oh and my burn is beginning to fade, I have been lathering on the sunscreen every day and now wear a head scarf to work to protect my hair part. Also today I had the nurse put an antiseptic iodine spray on my hands and they already look better. If I see an aloe plant on my journeys I will be sure to rip one open and spread it on :) I also kept my long sleeves on all day even though it is hot hot! my mom can rest easy...hehe


Anonymous said...

so i decided to read your blog... and 45 minutes later i finished reading 4 posts... sounds like you're having fun... and enjoying the sun :P

remember... bungee jump or i'll never talk to you again...

make sure to take some pictures of the funny looking cars over there... imagine that... me having to tell you to take pictures...


Anonymous said...

Zorbing sounds like fun!
What a great weekend you have planned...

Anonymous said...

It's Sunday afternoon in NS and still no new blogging. We are on the edge of our seats. It's just like reading a novel. Hope your weekend was fun and you survived your trip down the hill and did not become one of your own clients lol. hope you can still type. Love you HEAPS. love Lisa,Mom & Emily