Sunday, January 14, 2007

Bathing in Sunscreen

So I havent quite gotten to the point where I need to swim in SPF 200 before leaving the house, but that may be the next step I have to take.
I cant quite remember what we did on Friday, so I am sure it was exciting. I am still getting dizzy spells, and while we bumped around downtown looking at souveneirs I almost toppled over a few times after bending over to pick something up. Not sure what could be causing that, as I am drinking a lot of water etc. Saturday was a rubbish day, rainy and dreary most of the time, and if not that still dreary and then drizzly. We figured we may as well head over to Devonport as it is a free trip and Becky recommended the view from the Northhead. When we had headed out it actually looked like it may be a nice day so we were equipped in swimsuits. The only use they served was as unders that day though. I did however get to quench that cheesecake craving at a bakery. We hiked up Mount Victoria or something, I really should bring my journal to work as a reminder when I type these things up. Even with the weather as it was the view was great! That I played with my secret remote in the TV lounge preparing for our movie night on Sunday. We went down and watched Anchor Man later still that night and had a good laugh! Sunday we decided to go back to Devonport to give it one more shot at wowing us. And needless to say it did that and more. JoAnna had given up all hope on using her swimsuit and traded it for an umbrella...but I clung firm to the belief that the day would turn around for us. I am pretty sure the quote I gave Jo at the elevator was "You'll be sorry when I am working on my tan on the beach as you sit there in your jeans." As we sat on the ferry on the way over out broke the sund through the clouds creating an instant heat wave. We explored the farmers market for a bit, but were a little disappointed that it was just food items. Not that I frown at free samples! MMM puhatakana honey! butterscotch and brandy pancake topping! venitian olive oil and bread! We so very much wanted to buy some of the dessert toppings, for the bottle presentation alone was purchase worthy...but we could envision arriving home with passionfruit sauce all over our belongings. It may still happen...if we return to the market in 2 weeks. We went off in search of the beach Becks had recommended and almost settled for a strip of sand by the Yacht Club. I am very glad I asked a man for his recommendation of a good beach in the area (first thing out of his mouth: 'youre from North least he didnt say american) then pointed us in the direction of the best swimming at Chelteham Beach beyond the north head. Appearantly we climbed the wrong mountain the day before...oh well. We found the beach and then proceeded to crisp ourselves accidently...I swear to you all I was coated in SPF 50, I am now getting this down to an art....practice makes coating technique needs in dont worry about getting the cream on your suit as you will burn in a line all along the edge, dont forget to cream your eye lids as they too will burn, and dont forget your toes. As in the bath of SPF 200 that is in my future. The sunscreen Jo borrowed from Annie failed to do a proper job as now Jo is unable to stand under the shower without endearing pain. Aside from the scorching sun (I have never been so hot in my life, no exaggeration) it was a great great day. I went for my first NZ swim on Jan.14th! SO very very nice...I swam with mount rangitoto in the background in the Hauraki Gulf. And if I didnt fear all water creatures it wouldve been a longer swim ...but as fate shoudl have it a little fish wouldnt leave me alone...I swear the thing bit me...I swear i ran back to my towel. Jo and I then explored the North head which has heaps of World War relics built into the mountain. We may have to go back equipped with a video camera and a flashlight. There were neat caves and lookout points, and the walk around the mountain, on a pathway that jutted out from the cliff face wall above the water was...beyond words. At another little secluded beach I had to run back into the water as by this point I had dried off again and was over heated. Definately a very nice day trip which cost nothing at all, and yes chris I took heaps of pictures. Yet even after getting my pictures onto CD (ah yes that did work on Friday, I stayed at work until 5 to make sure of it...however unable to email them to myself and therefore unable to post yet) I am scared to delete them off my camera...we will see how long this struggle lasts. I guess I could delete the 20 pictures I have of spider monkeys. And the 300 I have of Rangitoto! I may make it to a library tonight to see if I can upload some pics. Last night we watched Whale Rider, and it was a different experience to be able to watch it after I have been here for awhile... there are more things that you pick up on that I wouldnt have known 2 yrs ago. I definately recommend the movie to I have been for the past 2 yrs...and to be quite honest is probably the reason I am here right now :P Oh and mom you were askign about mailing things, Jo's mom was to send a parcel but when she asked at the post office how long it would take to arrive they said 2 MONTHS! Incredible. Planes come here everyday, I guess after Tom Hanks crashed the fed ex plane they are making fewer trips. Speaking of Tom Hanks, Jo and I will be living at the airport for valentines day...hopefully we can have as much fun. Didnt he have some scheme worked out with returning luggage carts? Do you get money when you return them? That would be sweet as...maybe we could eat...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi - I am definitely glad to find this. cool job!