Wednesday, January 03, 2007

I missed a day

I forgot about Tuesday. So tuesday we had planned on checking out Kumeu where Jo works and then touring a winery. SO I wasnt expecting to be out in the sun much. Jo ran into the transport station when we got down there to check on the bus schedule as I sat out on a bench peeling off a layer due to the increasing heat. She ran back out and sat next to me and said Well, lets go to the beach! The bus wasnt running due to holidays. We went to Long Bay Regional Park and the temperature fluxuated all day. Sometimes chilly othertimes scorching! Peeling and relayering constantly. WHen Kiwis go to the beach it is quite an event...huge groups of people playing games, singing, BBQ'ing...all with tents and blankets and all the fixings! Perfect for people watching! We hiked all along the cliffs and it was simply spectacular! I am in love with the vegetation here and all the colours. I may skip Canadian winters every year. We had sme great photo ops and video set ups on our long hike. Back down on the beach we rolled up our pants and waded (Becky calls it foot paddling) and collected some sea shells- Jo had the idea to write the name of each place from which we collect the shells. A few times we almost got stuck swimming as we suddenly be trapped by deeper water on the rollong sandbar. We sat on the sand for awhile and watched people walk by. I definately got way too much sun which I was really trying to avoid on this trip. But accidents happen and now I have better planning. After the beach we still had day light hours left so we went to One tree Hill because Emily said I had to go there. And when we got there we found our first pasture of sheep! Well I use the term pasture loosely because they had free roam. Again photo-ops and video set ups abounded. We chased sheep and wrote our names in the volcanoes valley in volcanic rock...a lot easier than we thought it would be and well well worth the effort! We were approached by two guys at the top to say ahppy new year and other greetings, even giving us hugs. A little unnerving as they wouldnt leave us. One even asked if I was was Samoan...I didnt think I had gotten any tan but perhaps I am mistaken. That new years wish to become pacific may be coming true. Buhbye freckles...
Oh the name of the wine we got last night was Montana Souvignion Blanc or however you spell that word, if you want to see if they have it in the home LC's.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow - I don't think you could even understand how unbeleivably jealous I am of your trip to New Zealand. Surfing and Rugby-Playing Kiwis - could you ask for anything more than that? Keep posting - I'm very interested in what your seeing and doing! Sounds like you better wear some more sunscreen though :)