Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Sweet Potato Fries

They are my new love. I went out for supper last week and ordered them on a recommendation, they are great! I had to go out to sobeys and buy some so that I could try it at home myself. They are pretty hard to cut up! We went out for supper again tonight, the OT girls were in town for orientation or what not so I was with the former 4th yrs (Suzie, Catherine, Jen, Julie and Victoria). I, of course, split an order of sweet potato fries with Suzie.
Lisa and I do our presentation on Friday about community mental health, every time we work on it we almost choke laughing. We are supposed to discuss the issue of the lack of OT representation on mental health teams so I came up with the idea of taking pictures of people doind OT activities and cutting the OT out of the picture so there is a white blank space. The series is titled, what is missing in our communities? Then at the end of the presentation we have Occupational Therapy, changing the face of our communities: which is the same pictures with the bodies back, only they have our heads now. Larger than normal heads. We did one, and it was just a picture of someone on a bus (ok that someone happens to be in a bunny suit) and it really looks like we are on the bus too. I die everytime I see the pictures. I just really hope they share our sense of humour.

Me and Lisa...des ergotherapeute

Lisa running a group, and I doing a 1:1

Lisa meeting with a client who has an addiction

Me running a relaxation group

If it lets me I will show you the Bunny pictures some other time, perhaps after the presentation it will let me :)

1 comment:

Jo-Anna said...

Ha Ha Ha! Those are very creative. The one of you and the relaxation group reminds me of the movie "Meet the Fockers" and the groups that his mom ran. :o)Get dresssed!
Love Jo