Thursday, June 22, 2006

Kill Arnie

Shortly after getting home from frisbee on Tuesday, the skies opened up!

It is getting harder to say good-bye. Tomorrow is my last day of placement, but today was my last day with the early psychosis program. I really thought the 8 weeks would drag out longer than this. I am going to miss my clients. I have too curious a personality for these silly placement things. I need to know what happens to them next. I snuck into work before my preceptor this morning because I bought her a big multi-frame for her office. She has mulitple photgraphs around the room and none of them were framed, so I picked out some good ones and put them in and then put the frame up on her shelf. I then went to meet with the psychologist who did a personality test on one of my clients (which by the way was eerily dead on, I want one done on me!) and Sharon ran in late. After that we had a meeting with the team nurse about our new youngest client who was being screened that aft. Sharon had a meeting after that while I got stuff ready for my afternoon sessions and packed for our trip to the lake. I wasnt sure when she would make it to her office. She did however finally find it, but I wasnt there to see it, she absolutely loved the idea so I was very happy about that.
We headed out to Killarny lake with our health in action group and had a picnic and waded (one swimmer, there wouldve been 3 if I hadve had the notion to wear my suit! The water was so nice!) Back at the clinic I met with 3 clients back to back and explained to them how Sharon would be taking over after I left. They were all so cute, "youre leaving?!" They were sad :P I thanked them for being so open with me and told them how much I appreciated them allowing a student to take their case. Sharon has promised me some updates in code through email, so we are trying to give code names to everyone :P Most of my clients I wont get a chance to even say good-bye to. I tried filling out my evaluation form but I hate doing it, so instead I uploaded my pictures from today :D
Tomorrow we are going out for lunch, and I have to find time to write up 4 notes! Then Suzie, Lisa and I are going out on the town to say goodbye!

Sharon at the lake side watching another client swimming

Blogger is being a little bitch and wont post any more of the pictures...

1 comment:

Jo-Anna said...

The rain is EVERYWHERE! Looks like your placement was right up your alley, more fun than work...yup...sounds like Melissa, but I think it's what you bring to it b/c nobody is just handed as much fun as you seem to be having. Miss you! No reggie poo yet.