Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Almost done in Freddereecton

It's my last week of Fredericton placement. Feels like I am running out of time, we book clients and I realize I wont be there, I plan my one on one's and realize I cant do the follow up, I'm even missing some field trips! I have a lot of clients booked for my last day with EPP to try and fit them in before I leave, then Sharon reminds me I will have a lot of notes to type up after that...I have no idea when i will fit them in; so I told her I wasnt going to do any therapy. I am just going to tell them this is our good-bye session and to make sure they dont talk to me about anything that is documentable, if they start talking about their functioning I am going to plug my ears and humm. That should work. We had, well I had my last frisbee match tonight, because I wont be there for the rest of the league. Luckily it was also the night of the frisbee party, so it was like a goodbye party pour moi!

Lauren and I on the sidelines

Suzie and I after the game

Suzie and I were chosen for the spirit game again...what is with that? Getting ready for the sour worm race!

Most of Franklin's Army, named after the turtle...we still have to Iron on the logos

Oh and Jo, Ziggy who is a friend of Jeff O'neils...has a sister who runs a horse farm in NZ...and yes we can stay there hehe...I told him to hook us up!

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