Monday, June 12, 2006

Plodding Through

I guess I was getting bored with this thing, but I have been strongly encouraged by un-named persons to continue on with my tales.
Work has been pretty continuous, still running morning meeting, taking them for walks, running group, running relaxation and doing initial interviews. I am not looking forward to documentation when I reach the real world. I took a sick day last week and missed a Health in Action day where they went and worked out at the Y, so that was disappointing. My partner Lisa and I have been working hard on our community presentation, we are trying to make it as humourous as possible. Lisa's roommate is on my frisbee team and he had to ask her if we were related; we look alike and have very similar personalities, its actually quite funny. We even dress the same, identical even, we've got it right down to the freckles and green eyes, 2 sisters, fisherman fathers, the melissa-lisa name thing... When I go to Miramichi she will be in Cambellton which I guess isnt too too far away considering I wont know many other people. My preceptor gave me a pamphlet on an Irish Festival they have every summer in the Chi which is apparantly a good time, and Suzie is going to come up for it that weekend. David also told me about a canoe run thing they have where they drink and canoe to different parties all along the river (dangerous no?) So I am accumalating entertainment to fill my 2 months. Suzie and I went to the market last weekend and I got a necklace like Martha's and Janelle's. I am going back this weekend to get some more, plus I saw a purse there that screamed out my name and said buy me, which I didnt, however Suzie says it is a sign if I am still describing this purse to people, I must own it. We also went to a music store and picked out instruments; she is going to buy a guitar and I am going to buy a fiddle. So I will learn to play that in Miramichi (my renter is sure to love that!). I have always wanted one, and I saw that they arent as expensive as I thought, so why not right!?

I went home last weekend which was great, got to see the pup and the famdam. Emily and I took Nanuk to the beach in the rain, but still enjoyed ourselves! I had fish both nights in a row, but no lobster. Dad tried to get me to go out on the boat saturday but the thought of waking at 3:30am didnt appeal to me at the time. I also finally got a haircut, so it is a bit shorter. Christopher came over and we watched a couple movies, I do not recommend the Producers. haha...we can do it! we can do it! We are planning a trip to NFLD at the end of the summer for a picture taking excursion! Should be fun, the guys will all bring their guitars and I will bring my fiddle, because I am sure by then I will be almost pro. Colleen and I are also toying with the idea of going to surf school, another thing to be a pro at I'm sure...

I am enjoying my time here, and I wish I could stay longer, but I am sure I will feel the same way about Miramichi at the end of August. It's all about attitude. Well...Suzie and I are going shopping, I want to pick up some more board shorts if I can find some good ones.


Jo-Anna said...

Surfing...sounds good to me, then you can teach me on the hot beaches of NZ in 6 months. Then I wont have to pay big bucks for lessons down there!

Jo-Anna said...

Hair cut eh? but we were just beginning to look like twins?!!

Lori-Beth Crowdis said...

Who's this Suzie you keep talking about?


Melissa said...

Suzie just graduated, she was in FTHOI with me, also worked out at my gym. I think if you saw her you would know her.