Saturday, June 17, 2006

Last weekend in Freddy??

Myself and my preceptor Sharon fraser, in the day therapy room at Chalmers.

We presented yesterday and it went well, they really enjoyed it. Betsy was there, and I wasn't expecting that! But there were less people than I had imagined so it wasnt too bad. We went to the market today, Erin is in town from Miramichi and we met catherine down there. I got the necklaces for everyone also, I got my sisters the nicknames I gave them. I got to try the famous Somosas from the OT, I had the turkey one, it was good. I also had the new green ice tea and I like it :)
When we were headed down town we stumbled across an event, I think it was called something like free day in fredericton? A lot of things were free like the museums etc. Example for JoaAnna- free icecream! They had a whole bunch of corvettes new and old all lined up down the street (of course Suzie took my picture vanna'ing an old classic convertable) and there were vendors etc. We watched a bit of a kids science show and the guy had a little boy put a pile of mentos into a bottle of Pepsi and the thing gysered about 15 ft into the air. Now there's a party trick! We walked around in stores and I almost got new runners, the girl said I could run down the street in them but I was wearing a skirt so I might've looked a little silly...add to that all the people around downtown for this festival of sorts. None of the shoes really meshed with me so I left empty handed. I did see a couple people I know in the store though. It was good to hang out with Erin today because she will likely become a source of entertainment for me when I move on to the Chi. Tonight we are going to an all you can drink wine thing and then to see Grand Theft Bus. Should be a fun night.

Lisa and I after the presentation

Striking a pose in our matching uniforms :)


Melissa said...

Sharon's husband's name is Tim...not Jamie :(

Chris said...

i like the pictures... and lookin forward to the weekend... :)