Thursday, June 01, 2006

Evaluation Week

So I get back to work on Monday, and the client who I spent all that time convincing to stay had left over the weekend, which is very discouraging. I have been running all the meetings and groups lately so that has been interesting. While the clients do their relaxation I sit there and sketch them, its pretty funny. Although last time I just did a lake scene because my mind was still at Toby's cottage. We have some pretty interesting clients in now. One guy is pretty annoying, Sharon and I have him diagnosed with Narcissistic Personality Disorder, so you can just imagine what he is like. We even got out the DSM to check on the traits. One girl and I get along pretty well, she's sweet. She also thinks I am hot and smart, so of course I like her! :P We pretend flirted with guys down on the green when we were on our walk yesterday, she cracks me up. She was making jokes yelling to them about how she gets out in a few days. Things in both dept's have just been puttering along, I cant believe 3 weeks to go.
Ultimate Frisbee started on Tuesday, we are the Franklins Express.Suzie got beaned in the face, but she is ok! :)Last night I hung out with maggies brother David, we rented Date Movie, it was slightly funny, but we shouldve gone with the history of violence one I think :P Toby is doing well from what I hear in my reports, although none of you left any comments! I dont think anyone even reads these...Hi Mom! Hi Chris! Hi Jo! hahaha...


Chris said...

So, I should start to feel special soon, because I've now made it into 2 separate blogs.

Sounds like you've got some good times. Remember, photo taking trip this summer.


Jo-Anna said...

Of course I am reading this silly. Don't doubt me or I might stop! :o) Not a chance. Jo

Jo-Anna said...

Where's the new post? I am checking every new post. I am VERY interested in your day to day activities. I am 1/4 done Drums, it is kind of boring so far.

Jo-Anna said...
