Saturday, May 27, 2006

Summer Kick-off

When I got to work on Friday one of my clients told me that he was leaving AMA (against medical advice). After talking with him for a while in the lounge about how he felt about going home and what his plan was to stay clean we learned that he didnt really want to leave. He had a bad day on Thursday and called home to get picked up and thought it was too late to cancel the pick up because his dad lives an hour away and would be there soon. He mentioned wanting to go into rehab so that isnt something I let slip by and I looked into getting him into a program in st john. Its not as easy as it should be. He would have to call the health centre when he got home to make an appt with an OPC, which could be up to 3 weeks, and then they would screen him and get to know him for awhile and then try to get him into a program which could be a month or so after that. Meanwhile he has to stay clean on his own. Long story short I managed to talk him into staying his full term in detox and I think he was able to communicate a lot of concerns, so it felt good. And all the others told him how proud they were of him for staying. He asked me to be his sponsor, I sort of wish I could, but I know thats not reasonable. I took the group on their afternoon walk by myself Friday because I was supposed to be working on the self reflective essays while my preceptor did paperwork and the walker guy didnt show up so I of course volunteered to go out on the nice sunny day! On the way back into the building they even all stuck up for me when the commissionaire gave me a hard time about opening the door to let us back in, it was funny...they were like you dont talk to our girl like that!

Then Maggie picked me up and we went out to Tobys cottage for the night! It was a lot of fun even though it rained a little off and on. He has a hottub and the cottage is in a great spot (although I may have lost weight from the mosquitoes)! His brother Joel took Maggie and I out on the 4 wheeler which was great. We had a bonfire and sat in the tub all night. I got up early and went and sat down by the lake for a while, it was very peaceful. Later in the morning Toby had an accident involving a coffee mug and ceiling beams and had to be rushed to the hospital to take care of a wound which I will describe as a steak oozing out of his back, which was I presume his lats. I almost cried, or threw up, it was intense for a bit. It was a good thing that Maggies friend Jeff is a medical resident because he took fast action. They went to the hospital with him and his parents and we sat around talking about all of Tobys accidents for awhile. Janek and I took the canoe out and were going to paddle over to Joels cottage on the other side of the lake but gave up and just went down the lake. We played some frisbee, BBQ'ed and lit firecrackers. Everyone eventually went home except Bob and I and we talked shop etc until Maggie and Jeff got back with news that our Toby was waiting for a surgery consult. Until I hear from Toby I can just hope that everything went well. When I got back to Fredericton Kevin and I went to see the DaVinci code, sometimes my tired cottage mind got a little lost...but overall it was good. Then I talked to my friend Chris on MSN, that is always exciting. He is planning a trip up here with the excuse that my goonies tshirt logo finally came in the mail. (Look Chris, you finally made the blog)

Tobys cottage from the bottom of the stairs to the lake

Standing on the deck

Stairs to the lake

Jan thinking about how wonderful OT's are

FTHOI plotting

Maggie preparing for S'more time

post s'mores

Practicing my j-stroke with my new friends

Actual j-strokin with my actual new friend

Kickin back while Janek brings me on a tour

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