Friday, May 12, 2006

It doesnt really matter...right now

(title is the line the lady says over and over in one of our relaxation tapes, it is one of my favourites to make fun of...I find it hard not to giggle when she says it)

So week 2 has now ended! I am struggling slightly with realizing that the time we have left is as long as the whole time I was in Charlottetown, but other than that things are great. I am loving my placement! I cant get over how friendly and open the clients are. On Monday I started working on my community project, I am working with a student from the Uni. of Montreal and she is really nice. We are looking into the role OT could play in existing community mental health programs here in Freddy that currently dont have one on staff, they are hoping our project opens up some job opportunities that maybe I could come back and fill haha! We also went to a seminar on crystal meth because of its increasing popularity...I seriously hope it doesnt catch on because wow does that stuff mess you up! We had a meeting with parents of a young boy who were complaining about the behaviours he has been displaying lately (schizophrenia) and we educated them on the disorder and I think it was really eye opening for them (things they were blaming him for that he had no control over) and I think it really scared the mom when we got to the suicide and drug section. But hopefully they use the techniques we talked about on how to address the issues because she was pretty much just yelling at him or ignoring him (I get to meet him next week). I started doing initials this week, and I am hoping to get a lot more practice. I still feel a little disorganized and unconfident in my advice. I was interviewing one girl (schizophrenia) and she brought up how her leisure has declined because she is scared to go out in her neighbourhood because a boy on her street raped her. I had a slight pause as in my head I was screaming THEY DIDNT TEACH US WHAT TO SAY FOR RAPE! I was remembering all the stuff about suicide and was so nervous about saying the wrong thing (especially since the girl became teary eyed a lot in the interview and if she started crying I mightve started too!) So I just asked her if she had talked to anyone about this before and if legal action had been taken. My preceptor said that I handled it well and it is the sort of thing we will let her explore with us later when she is more comfortable (she had spoken with a counsellor about it). We also ran a health in action group which is through EPP so that is a lot of fun too. It was organized because so many of the young people gain weight on the meds so they do a healthy activity and then come back for a healthy lunch...what a job I have! I'm excited for our next outings. I got to go to the clubhouse, and friends and fellowship, and the job placement program as well. Starting to write OT notes also and am having a hard time focusing the info...I asked her if I could just write a story and forget about this DARP crap. I have a hard enough time focusing these blogs, maybe I do need to write more than once a week, I have so much more to say but this already looks long! Good thing I have a captive audience ;) I have been running in the park here and I love it, I think I even like it more when it is wet, the park is really pretty and has some great trails (and killer hills). Suzie, from the yr ahead of us is working here so we have been hanging out, tonight we are going to play ultimate frisbee and then go to In-flight Safety at the capital! I think it will be a great night! AND tomorrow I go to NS so I can graduate! I get Monday off for it and I will get to see my puppy for a night!

1 comment:

Jo-Anna said...

Awwww, I miss you. xooxoxoxo Jo BE GOOD!