Sunday, May 21, 2006

Cure for the weekend 'Blahs'

So its the middle of the long weekend! I have hardly seen the girl that I lived with since I got back from the valley, her family is up from Manitoba so she is often out with them. The Canadian Mental Health Association is having a fundraiser in our building selling croc footwear, alook at this little croc family!

Also on Wed as another fundraiser there is a clothes sale! They are turning my pad in the health centre into a changing room and selling clothes that were worn once in fashion shows and were donated to the CMHA. They are going to make so much money its great! Even off the crocs alone they must be making a mint! When I came into work on Friday it was nuts in the entry way with people grabbing crocs up left right and centre! I wonder if our grad class can get into any of these ideas, asking stores for donations etc and having a sale in the SUB or tupper.
I had another one on one at the Detox which was really hard. I just didnt know what to say, sometimes I am scared that I dont know enough to make recommendations, you know? I'm still wearing training wheels. He was telling me about what began his problem with substance abuse and was asking what he should do. When he was 13 he went to his best friends house because him and a group of friends often hiked up to go swimming. His friend was sleeping and his mother said to just leave him, he wouldnt go today, but he insisted and woke him up and made him go. On the way there while they were all crossing the street he felt a push on his back and he fell forward. He heard screeching and turned around to see his best friend get hit by a car driven by a guy a couple yrs older than them. The guy had done the speed up to scare them trick but then lost control, and his best friend died saving him. He never got any counselling and still feels all this sadness, guilt and anger. I didnt know what to say. All I could do was recommend he get help for this or he would never overcome his addictions because he was trying so hard to numb himself. Then he said something that really clicked for me as a learning tool..."Thank you so much for your ear". I guess we dont always have to be the experts, sometimes just being there and listening can mean so much for a person (therapeutic use of self anyone?). I gave him some resources on grief counselling.
I wanted to go to a concert on Friday, and the market on Saturday but no one was around this weekend. I started getting that feeling where I am more than ready to just go home. BUT then Maggie called and invited me to her house for a BBQ! Her family is really great and it was a good time. We went out after to her brothers girlfriends and then Maggie and her fella went home and I went out to Dolans with her brothers and their friends. They were all super nice making sure I had fun and felt like a part of the crew. Her brother even goes to the Chi a lot and said he would entertain me when I got shipped out. However, during my adventure I lost the cap off my "I read the Coast" pin that scott gave me at the Junos concert! that was a little sad.

This is part of my grad gift from my older sister, its hilarious!

The yellow rain in Fredericton?? Please please be pollen! haha... After a heavy rain this is what my roomies boots looked like sitting on the balcony. I had seen the yellow rimmed puddles before, but this was a curiosity.

The view from my balcony, I love how there are so many trees in Freddy, makes for a nicer walk to work.

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