Thursday, May 18, 2006

Caps and gowns

Ultimate frisbee was pretty entertaining, I wish I had taken my camera! There was definately a lot of nice things to look at. One guy even said I was a natural, because frisbee is one of my innate talents just waiting to be released. The whole time they were showing us all these different types of throws I was thinking, oh repetative strain injury, oh ulnar deviation etc etc haha! Its a dangerous sport! The concert was also great, I love InFlight Safety! We even met Tara there and I ran into a couple people I knew from Acadia.
I left Fredericton this weekend, which was a nice change of pace. I spent 7 hours on a bus to get there, but it was so nice to be back. I had to hang out at the hospital for a while waiting for my dad and did a little OTing while I was there. I helped a lady getting her hip xray :P Nanuk went bezerk when I got home, dad was blocking him at the door and he tried to just plow his way through dad but it wasnt working (very funny!)We left early sunday morning to make it to WolfVegas in time for brekkie, then I remembered that meal hall wasnt cool! Oh well one last walk down memory lane. We took a lot of pictures around the campus, I love the Acadia grounds.

Those are paintings! I always loved them...

We had supper at Joe's of course, a classic, and then had icecream at Hennigars, yet another classic. Convocation was good, I was so happy to see the sun and they changed the ceremony since I went there so its a lot faster. I got a few Acadia memorabilia and framed my diploma and then we had to rush to catch the bus so I could make it back to Freddy. We missed the bus in Truro so we chased it to Amherst, so I didnt have to spend 7hrs on the way back which was a bonus. Some weirdos sat by me after the Moncton stop, haha, this one guy was like do you like reptiles? I wish I couldve seen my was so random. I just said um...I dont know. So he picks up his backpack and says I have one want to see it, and proceeds to pull a crocodile gecko out of his bag. Nice.
Back at work and things are moving along, she finally pulled the Learning Objectives out today and it is the end of week 3. She told me to make up 3, I told her last year I had one or more for each she said I could do that too...but we decided 3 was fine! haha! I met with my own client today, alone, and she is doing great since our last meeting. She is using the strategies we talked about. The crew in at detox this week were also full of spunk and liked to joke around. One of the girls is pregnant and is on methadone so that the withdrawl doesnt cause premature labour. Her boyfriend will check in after she checks out.

1 comment:

Jo-Anna said...

Oh Melissa, You make it sound like you are all alone out there. Send me your address and I'll do youup a care package! Love you tons! Jo