Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Crash Landing

I ran my first group today, the clients made me do it. Sharon said I would run the one on Wednesday last Friday because they wanted me to teach them instead of her, but she had forgotten and we had plans to skip group and everything to go shopping! However, the clients remembered so of course I had to oblige them. I played a game with them about occupational balance in recovery. Its hard to really get your mind into that of an addict, but watching them today was a little bit of an eye opener. They just didnt know how to live anymore. Some had been addicted since they were young teens, and their days had been consumed with scoring and using. One guy said " I am not often at a loss for words, but when you asked me about leisure, I really couldnt for the life of me think of what that could be in my life." They seemed so distressed afterwards, how do they know what to do, what do you do in a normal day if it isnt searching for that high? It was an odd experience. Trying to explain to people what just comes so naturally. They started talking about something that happened the night before and how they laughed until their knees were weak, and then it dawned on them that this was the first time they had laughed like that and were sober. It almost made me tear up hearing them say things like that. I want to wrap my arms around each one of them and kick the ass of any pusher that comes near them. But I have to be like the momma bird and kick them out of the nest when discharge comes and just hope they can fly on their own.
My preceptor forgot it was midterm time until a silly nurse asked how much longer I had left here. I was just going to let it slip on by, you may have noticed she can be a little scattered sometimes, I love it! She is always talking about how she is supposed to go to some stats meeting, but lets the lady forget; so I told her I was doing the same thing :) Wait is this week 4! I tried to convince her it was week 3 but she got out the calandar...foiled again. So we do midterm Monday. unless...

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