Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Nous sommes Arrive!

We are all safe and sound in Port au Prince, tired, dirty and hungry but no worse for the wear. It was a long long day :) You somehow manage to forget what the heat feels like when you step off the plane, but it always hits you like a wall.
We went through the PaP airport fairly smoothly, all our bags arrived and in one piece for the most part. We did have to wait in the parking lot for a while for our driver, but you need to have a few hitches right? Standing there, you quickly remember the yells of BLANC! from the street. I didnt think we stood out quite that much from a distance, but I stand corrected.
We stored our bags in the outside cage and then had supper with Sourette, and now we are just settling down for what I imagine will be an early night! I am too tired to even attempt to translate the french and kreyol around me so a lot of the time I am in my own world with no idea what is going on around me. Until they all laugh and I dont, and then they realize they were speaking French.
My bug net is hung from the wall with care, and images of the clinic work tomorrow will soon be dancing in my head...unless we go for a swim first?

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