Monday, November 02, 2009

Dreaming of fresh fruit...

It is Monday evening and I am taking a break from packing. Our guest room bed is loaded with rolled up t-shirts, cameras, scrubs etc etc...all just waiting for me to shove them into my hiking pack. My mom is taking me to the airport and she will be here at 2:30 am, luckily my hockey bags are full, but light enough to manage! I just need to keep that streak going with my hiking pack! We had a lot of H1N1 meetings today, and I am really really hoping that we dont go into Pandemic mode while I am away, or I will be coming home to 12 hr night shifts of me answering peoples questions about the flu, instead of playing with my kiddos on the Autism team.

I had my Halloween fundraiser on Saturday and had a pretty poor turnout, despite all the PR and advertising I got for free from local media. I guess the flu scared people away. I hear the trick-or-treater numbers were low as well. We only had 2 kids come to the door during the time we were home inbetween decorating and dancing. Oh and speaking of dancing- I had 19 guests at Haunts for Haiti, and everyone was a dancing machine! That helped a lot, it's much less noticeable that your fundraiser is a flop when people are having a good time! All in all, after paying the DJ and accounting for the cost of the venue, I came out $400 in the red. I wrote a letter to the Town, which runs the venue, asking for their help in the matter, and they are going to meet tomorrow to discuss whether they will waive the fee for me. My fingers are crossed that they will throw me a life preserver because otherwise I will be left treading water until I can have a fundraiser, to pay for my fundraiser. I am not sure what I could have done differently, unless holding it on Halloween night was a bad idea. It worked in Fredericton, but the Organization is more well known, plus it is a university town. I may scrap these huge fundraising ideas for the future, and stick to the bakesales!

I will be in Haiti at around 4pm tomorrow, I am bringing my netbook with the intentions of updating the blog from the road...we'll see how internet access cooperates.

Until next time, this girl is Haiti bound!

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