Wednesday, November 04, 2009

The Market

Just an update on our little venture to the market. On our way to the market a bus passed us "Uh, is that a public bus?" as I read the PetionV on the front. The answer: Yes. What! Public busses in Haiti! Mais oui! The government spent 30mil on them and gave them to different groups. Cyril does not think they will last long because they are not well maintained and travel routes that are not "bus friendly" You would be hard pressed to find many bus friendly routes in my opinion.
A la market I got some pringles (so many flavours that we dont have in Canada) and dried mango and coconut. We were the centre of attention and even had people trying to be secretive of taking our picture in the aisles. Jolyane was super impressed with the ergonomic set up of the cashier station, they are all seated and have the cash in front of them with a lift up lid, the screen is also very user friendly. They would not allow her to take a photo however. Oh, and if anyone is curious, the exchange rate is 41.75 gourdes per american dollar; so 20 dollars equals 835 gourdes. My snacks were 190 some gourdes.
I had some haitian ketchup in my hands and considered PB, but I imagine we will have another market trip at some point so I wont have to carry this stuff around in my pack.

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