Thursday, February 01, 2007

Be Still My Little Heart

Not much to report on for Wednesday, just went down to Beckys in the evening. Thursday was our day out atthe Long Bay beach for the activity that was run by myself and JoAnna. I was really impressed with how much the clients actually participated! Everyone had a really great time and gave heaps of praise in our direction! Last night we went down to Beckys and Bella, an OT from West Auckland, and Stefan, Jo's preceptor also were there. We took our packed suitcases with us because Becky is going to kepp our bags at her place, then bring them in and Jeanette the nurse at my work will take them. She ever so graciously offered to pick us up at the airport on the 14th, take us to her place so we can eat, do laundry, shower and sleep and then she will bring us back so we can fly out to LA! I thought that was just so nice of her. SO we are definately being well taken care of! The walk down to Becky's however was no strll in the park...I felt like I was lugging a load of bricks! We had some drinks at her place then went to O'Hagans and I didnt pay attention to the names of the next two places. Jo was saying it was time to bring out the Beeze :P It was a really great time, very fun! On the walk home Jo and I were talking french for some reason, and we were stopped by a group of pacific island boys just so they could tell us hwo cute we were. I was told I looked like a kiwi for sure, until I spoke of course...again...because I had on a fish hook necklace and a sail boat dress (yes the same as the sky tower, have to get your moneys worth!) and jandals. They taught me how to speak the language from the Cook Islands but I couldnt for the life of me repeat any of it now. Then we went and, you guessed it, got some 50cent icecreams from micky dee's. I thought maybe Jo was joking when she woke me up thsi morning because it was still dark and it felt like I had just lied down. Our usual routine is she calls out "are you awake?" and I say "yes", today though all I could get out was ynnh. It was a rough morning to say the least. I rushed down to the train this morning because I had to add time on for buying a day tripper pass, but when I got there the lady wouldnt sell it to me until 7:30 even though I told her I wanted to catch the 7:20 train. She told me I couldnt use the day tripper until 9am anyway. gah, I thought I was going to have to wait around but decided to get the ticket and just get on the train regardless...worst they could do was kick me off in New market I guess. On the train I read it and it said I could use it from 5am onward...she almost made me wait around for nothing. We went to town today and printed off some of the pictures that I took yesterday and I mailed a letter. Today is my last day at work and when we got back form town there was a tea ready for us and...just when you think a country cant get any better, and you love it unbelievably...your work place buys you a going away cheesecake. They know how to melt my heart I tell ya! And they got me a present, so cute of them...all wrapped in fern paper it was a tshirt that said Aorteora and a nice bag with a koru on it, that I actually debated buying for myself but couldnt decide on the right design or could shell out the money for it! So very very nice, I was very appreciative. A client also gave me a little gift, a kiwi keychain :) So tonight it's the Auckland Blues vs the Christchurch money is on the cruisaders. Then Sat we go to Queenstown, Sunday bus to Dunedin for hopefully wildlife spotting, and kayaking, back to queenstown on Wed, Thurs we are renting a car and driving to Franz Josef and back to queenstown on sat, sleeping in the car. In Queenstown we are staying at the Discovery Lodge each night and taking trips out of there like Milford Sound and Bungee jumping...the rest will be filled in when we discover what is to be found! Since I am not sure about internet and such I dont know when I will be back to update. But for my birthday I will be in Queenstown...and I havent decided yet if I want to spend it cruising the Milford Sound or hurling myself off a gorge!!


Anonymous said...

So, seeing as it's summer there, I suppose they couldn't care less about Feb. 2 and Groundhog Day huh? Happy G-day none the less! :)

In my opinion, I would definetely do the bungee jumping on your birthday. However, if you really want to tour the Milford Sound or whatever it's called, I would most certainly do that the day BEFORE!!! :)

Now, my dear, go leave your mark on New Zealand. Happy Birthday. Happy Valentine's Day. Safe, Stay Awake Travels home. Wish I could see you then. Love ya, Sarah xoxo

Anonymous said...

Have fun! I tried to call last night and this morning. If there's a # I can reach you at on your b-day let me know.

Anonymous said...

Hurl yourself of the gorge!!! It will be an unforgettable birthday present to yourself and you will always remember the date you "hurled" :P


Chris said...

Hey, I got a postcard today from New Zealand. If you only hadn't written it in the hardest language to translate!! :P

ikky wikky ping pong slinky! There, translate that.

Thanks, made me smile.