Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Oh so you want to be able to read it?

Oh wow, english! Last night I was on a chinese computer, and as I typed it was switching it over to chinese characters. I actually found it to be pretty funny. It was very fitting seeing as how we are now back in Auckland. I am on the same computer, but today it is letting me be english. Oh and dad, did you know that you named me snow in as. Also in another form I was told it means honey flower. We are staying at Jeanette's place, the nurse from Putauma, and she has some home stays living here and one is from China. In all those symbols it said that I havent heard from many of you lately and am hoping that you all didnt try to go out and do your own bungy! Today we are just repacking our suitcases, rearranging all the souvies we bought our fans, and washing our clothes. I have a pair of socks that actually walk on their own. We have the run of the house because everyone is at work, so its just us and the cleaning lady as we prepare to leave behind my new home New Zealand. Once we have all our stuff organized we are going to walk around Takanini and maybe I will get to say goodbye to the Becks one last time. I am not super excited about LA, after being in NZ for so long. But it might be nice to relax on a beach for awhile and heal my aching trekking muscles before going home to what Jo's mom warned us was minus 30 temperatures. Dear lord I think my body will just seize up the second I walk outdoors! My body has already begun to realize I am leaving this subtropical paradise, as pretty much this whole trip I was able to eat ice cream with Jo and not get sick...but after trying the NZ famous Hokey Pokey last night after supper...there it was back to normal. Stupid milk. My icecream days are over haha! I dont think I will be able to write in the states, so I guess I will just see you all when I am in the hospital back in hali suffering from frost bite.


Anonymous said...

One more sleep and you'll be home!!
Hope you had fun at Leno - didn't hear you laughing!!!

Anonymous said...

finish it off! withdrawl...haha
