Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Fun Week

It is exam week (ish) leaving me with 9 more days in the school environment. When thoughts should be on neurotransmitters and evaluation principles, they are instead on Kiwi’s and hiking packs. My dreams are all about New Zealand, including my day dreams. I just wish exams were over so I wouldn’t have to pretend to think about synapses and randomized control studies. That’s not easy to fake! In other news winter decided to come early just for Jo Anna and myself! Mother Nature knew we were taking a brief hiatus in the other hemisphere and decided it would be nice to give us a little taste of snow before we left. I hope it sticks around for Christmas. Last night was pretty crazy, and I think everyone in Halifax forgot how to drive as soon as they saw white. By evening everything had gotten pretty slick, since all morning it had just been raining before becoming slush rain and eventually snow. It is now just typical snowing out, or from what I can see out the library windows.
What I am really learning at the library:
I love to watch people
Eating rockets then drinking water is gross
Clicking keyboard keys can be both white noise and irksome
It is impossible to remove all the dog hair from your fleece pants…impossible
I have the attention span of a may fly, or an ephemeral attention span if you will…
Tips like ‘if you don’t have time for the entire handout, just read the last page’ should be placed on the first page of the handout, rather than the last…
My intrinsic hand muscles are under-developed resulting in a weak webspace, and therefore I shouldn’t have to take so many study notes…
When the school network goes down…the library clears out
People do not understand what a network is, and will go from computer to computer trying to find one that will let them log in
Have I mentioned I enjoy watching people?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Love JO (your fellow bugalug) 18 more days!