Saturday, December 30, 2006

You Gellin?

After three days walking around New Zealand I am so not gellin! I am not sure when my feet will get their chance to recoop, most likely that week before classes start. Mom, if you are reading this, I hope you are prepared to wait on me hand and foot!
Yesterday we were supposed to go to the Zoo but it was raining when we got up, so we figured that wouldnt be a fun way to spend the day. JoAnna had been reading about Newmarket where they had some upscale shopping centres that she wanted to go check out, and I also suggested we check out the outlet shops in Onehunga since that would be a little more in my price range :) We took a zig zaggy route down to the bus stop where we were going to ask how to get to these places. We stopped into a really neat little boutique called Untouched World, New Zealand that had a few things I really wanted but were REALLY expensive. It was pretty depressing haha...we walked around and day dreamed for awhile and then after sighing over the prices decided the outlet mall was a must! We got an all day bus pass and headed out to Onehunga...where I quickly discovered that even outlet prices are not in my price range. After stopping in Newmarket we headed back home to massage our feet and change our shoes before going in search once again, for edible affordable nourishment. We trudged around downtown scouring at the asian food restaurants, and cursing the high prices of the euroupean food...I was getting to the point where it was becoming hard to overcome the urge to lay down on the sidewalk. We finally found an Irish pub where we decided we would order some side dishes. There was a platter on the menu with fries and stuff for 50$ no joke. And a budweiser cost 7.50. However the waiter was an authentic irishman so that took a way a little of the sting. I wanted to record him talking to us. When we walked in the sign above one of the booths said in Gaelic 'A hundred thousand welcomes' and I pointed it out to Jo saying hey my home town motto. And one of the men at the booth asked if I was pointing at his hairline. I explained to him why, and he asked if I was an Irish gal...he said they like the Scottish lassies. Turns out they are all Irish and had just gotten to Auckland and were very happy to find the little pub (as were we!). After supper we got some groceries and lugged them to the bus stop...I had to stop and reattach my arms every once in awhile. This morning we went to the zoo out by Western Springs. The weather today was very feisty, and would change at any little moment from dead hot to cool back to dead hot. I as a result, have a new pink glow...or a red tinge you might call it. I LOVED the zoo. But, hey, I love nature and animals so I was in MY ELEMENT. I think Jo may have been getting a little impatient with all my videos and pictures and silly shananegans. But silly shenanegans is my thing...its to be expected. I will be the next steve erwin. The last thing we did was try to find the elusive Kiwi. We were in the little hut for quite a while trying to capture it in all its glorious essence to show to you all back home. It was a wild adventurous kiwi hunt and I think you will be pleased with our captures. I really need to upload pictures soon. Work starts on wednesday and that will be something I will check out right away. After the zoo as we sat in the bus stop I read an ad about the park behind us saying can you spot the old lava flow in the wetlands...ok...that wasnt something I could pass up. So down we went to the wetlands (Jo walking barefoot in the grass sighing in pleasure at the feeling of anything that wasnt her sandles under her feet) and we found the pond with teh lava flow which was grown over. We sat down there for awhile talking and just taking it all in. It was so beautiful! All the trees and the water, the flowers and the singing birds, the warm sun...a great great way to spend the last day of 2006! So now we are getting ready to go bring in the new year at the free park in the concert! It feels weird to be headed out for teh new year celebration while everyone at home is still sleeping on sunday morning (its 4am in NS) HAPPY NEW YEAR you slow pokes. I will let you all know how wonderful 2007 was while you guys were sittign around waiting for it to make it your way. And you guys can let me know how Dec 28th was...because I lost it somewhere over the pacific...

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