Saturday, November 04, 2006

Zoom Zoom

School has been pretty busy, so my free time has been spent on that instead of this. Oh and a little thing we like to call occupational balance just so I dont go completely batty. The New Zealand plans are coming along pretty well, I think we even got ourselves an apartment yesterday. JoAnna and I both sent of our letters of acceptance to work in Traumatic Brain Injury, which neither of us, to say the least, is very excited about. I did mention in my letter that I would be interested in making the most of my visit by exploring many different types of occupational therapy and put a hint in about pediatrics. My passport arrived a few days ago, so now I am just waiting on my loan history to complete my SWIF application to help me pay for this whole thing. Exciting and scary all at the same time...isnt that my life! :)
We had a career fair the other day, and I must say it made my head spin. So many unanswerable questions...where will I go, what type of job do I want? I have no idea. It just seems to be coming up so soon. Maybe I just wont come back from New Zealand. I will hide out on some sheep ranch. If I go missing hopefully you wont be able to use this as a clue in the search. Or maybe I put it there to throw you off my track...
Regardless graduation is approaching. We had grad pics the same day as the career fair...just to keep everything in perspective of course. I have a feeling I may be going for the retake option (I wonder if you will actually be able to see the fear in my eyes?) I'm really looking forward to being done of school, but at the same time so many life altering decisions are on the horizon. I'm hoping that with time it will just all sort itself out and the right option will present itself clearly before me. Optimism will be my frame of reference for this intervention!
For The Health Of It is actually starting to come together, even after we had to start from scratch 4 wks before the show! I dont know if we will blow them away, but we will at least put on a good show! It is going to be a busy next few weeks as I try to learn how to dance. Luckily I only wrote myself a few lines so I am pretty sure I can master those in time.
I have been playing broomball every Sunday, and I am starting to get the hang of it. It's actually a lot of fun, and it's nice to dig out the competitive side in me once again. Rejuvenated by team sport every weekend so that I am ready to face another Monday with 3hrs of Diane in the morning. Thanksgiving and Halloween came and went, both of which were a great time. Nanuk was living with me in between the two holidays and it was really nice to have him around. You never get lonely when someone practically wets themselves with excitement everytime you come home. It also got me out of the house a lot more, an excuse to go to the park which is harder to find now that he is gone. But, he just didnt like it when we went to the class and he was getting too lonely himself so it was for the best. And with FTHOI coming up I wasnt going to be able to give him any more time than he was getting. The Remembrance day long weekend is coming up so I will get to go home and see him again.

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