Thursday, December 28, 2006

Auckland the asian capital of NZ

We arrived this morning in NZ, finally. It was a long journey that was not always smooth sailing (and I only have 14 minutes at this online cafe to do it all justice). It involved a lot of standing in cues and a lot of waiting around and a lot of sitting on an airplane. Thats the short version. I will detail it later. We got to our apt and had to sit in the lobby for awhile because apparently business hours are just a suggestion here (something we noticed). We finally trudged up to our room weary and groggy eyed, desperately desiring showers...I turned the key in the lock and pushed open the door...someones shoes were in the on the counter...mess everywhere...I turn to Jo "Um...someone lives wait...yeah someone is in the bedroom" We slowly back up and go back to the lobby. New keys, new room. Up in this room we discover it is quite gross. Jo says unacceptable and tries to call Auckland U to make new arrangements. Phone just beeps at us. Back to lobby. New keys, new room. Trudge up to new room. Walk bed, 2 rooms...back to lobby. New keys, new room. One bedroom door is locked. Back to lobby. Manager opens room. New key. Doesnt work. So we left to go exploring. We went down to some souvenier shops and to a neat little market, then made our way slowly down the main street stopping into shops where our wallets got a little lighter. I chatted up a surf shop guy and got some good tips. He however did not invite Jo and I on his New Years surfing trip. Better luck next time I say. We walked around by the water, picked up about 10lbs of brochures and lost about 5lbs in body fat. We searched for I would say hours for something to eat that wasnt raw fish and finally ate at a food court thing which I am pretty sure I am going to vomit up any minute now. Ugh. I dont recommend it. I think Jo desperately wants to call her mom and complain for awhile but it is 3:30 am back home so we stopped in at an internet cafe instead. 1$ for 30mins. Not too bad. We are going to see if the library has free internet maybe tomorrow. Tomorrow should be great. We are going to go to the Auckland zoo and some other museum the bus station guy recommended. We discovered a great deal on transit passes so our adventures should soon become more widespread. And the surf shop dude has given us ideas on where to go. Mom can I buy a surf board? :) Oh and I love the accents. I have also taken many many pictures and JO obliges every one of my stops to take a pic of somethign I saw on the street...and doesnt tease me when I strike odd poses. I wish I could upload some now. Hopefully once we start work. I am a little worried to charge my video camera in these outlets :S OK so this was the quick update. I made it. I am alive. And every now and again I stop and think: WOW! I am in NZ! Still seems surreal. I am in NZ. :D Too bad about the food...haha...


Anonymous said...

Hey Melissa - I hope this day was better than the last one - and that you've found some good food!! At least you don't have to put up with windchills & blowing snow :)
Take care, stay safe, love & hugs,
"Auntie Bev"

Anonymous said...

Hi! Glad to hear you made it safe and sort of sound. Hope you get the apt. thing straightened out!
It's been very winterery here since you left so remove the curse now!!
Emily went up to see her calf today. What would you ever do with a surfboard??? We saw a cute guy on Leno from Auckland last Thur, night.He was a good singer as well.
Katie heads back to the city on Sun.
Have you found anything good to eat yet? Hope you get this.Mom

Anonymous said...

hello, melissa you should stop complaining your starting to sound like a JAFA. heh heh just joking. but hey just think about how your room in L.A. will be! i looked at calfs today and they are all really cute it's weird b/c their babies but are already bigger than Nanuk. He has ajusted to sleeping in my room and calls out for you every night. I guess i could say happy new year since i won't be talking to you befor 7am tomorrow. ---Emily