Sunday, March 18, 2007

Boot Camp

We got back to school and quickly realized the dream was over. We only have a few weeks left and they thought it would be a good idea to give us full term courses and cram them into those few remaining weeks. We have something due all the time, it never stops. If you plan it right you can stay on top of the work, but it involves long days hidden in your room alone plugging away. We havent had much opportunity to socialize with the dear friends we will soon be leaving. That's the hardest part. The end is coming, and it is coming fast. I am trying not to let the school work get in the way of making new memories with my friends :) Some of the highlights so far have been Kids Day, the Occupational Therapy Ball and we just celebrated St. Patricks Day. Emily came up for March Break so I forced myself to take some breaks so we could hang out. It just meant cramming a lot of work in the night before she arrived! I attended a workshop on how to recognize cognitive disorders post stroke, but feel that it was mostly information we already knew...but at least I get a certificate for it :S I have three presentations this week and then I am hoping things will start to slow down for me so that I can take a step back and look around. I have been entertaining a few job prospects from around the country and have had a few interviews to go along with them...not a lot of news to report on that front however.

The face painting crew! AnneMarie, myself and Annie

Drawing Mack on Martha

The ball...Annie, myself, LB

Pretty ladies: LB, Kelly, Jo, Marth, Julia, Jill, Annie...and me hovering :)

Second best to being in NZ, dancing with and Jo!

St.Pattys at Annies

Crystal, AnneMarie, me, Annie

So it's all about making the best of the time we can squeeze out of our social life. In other news Laura and I are running for class valedictorian...I'm really excited about that!

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