Tuesday, August 08, 2006

The ever elusive, Orions Belt

*Sigh* What a weekend!
As I sit here I am editing content in my head...? What do I save for our first weekend back as we sit around my cardboard box in the commons drinking out of paper bags? (You guys will hang out in my cardboard box right?)

Anyhoo...Thursday came around I didnt get my paycheck so I held off on doing my NZ errands and went to the beach with Erin, Jeff and Danny. We played throw the rock at each other and TV tag. Note to readers: TV tag is hard when you grew up without tv. Plus, everytime it was my turn they were like "well we know the show had to be on cbc!"
Friday I went out and mailed the foreign bank draft to NZ so step one is under way. Whale Rider here I come! Back home Sam, my roommate, read my tarot cards about my love life. If I read into it right I will be a fortunate woman. However, my rationalism is holding me back, I guess I over think things...and I dont want love to get in the way of my own goals and finding myself. Interesting. Then I went into town to hang with the crew at Dannys. We played card games, sang along to Danny on the guitar, enjoying conversation until 5am.
Saturday we headed off to the beach, chocolate milk ice caps in hand! It was a tad windy at times so I ended up with about a cup of sand wedged in my hair. We got a campsite at the beach and layed back listening to some tunes. I played a little barefoot soccer with the fence and Tinks car until I split my toenail. Then I tossed the ol pigskin around with Danny until it hit me and I started bleeding. Then I played tipsys with Jeff until my knees bled. Wait...am I the only one sensing a trend here? Good times had by all. Tink made us steak and potatoes and carrots on his little bbq and we roasted mallows on the fire for s'mores as we stared at the stars making each other laugh for hours. I snuck off at one point to sit on the beach and watch some falling stars by the ocean...it was great. A great night. NO idea what time we went to bed.
Sunday we are up and after Tink makes us bacon and eggs on his bbq we are laying on the beach. What a life. Less windy, and very warm. I turn a nice little shade of rose. Slathered in spf 45. Thank you scottish heritage, I love your freckly presents. We pack up and head back out to Erins around 4 where we gather up our wits and try and salvage a 12th wind. The gang meets back up at Jeff's and we start catching our breath. We head out to a cottage and night 3 gets on its way. We are ready to dance, and bay du vin days is our destination. Wow. The lobster carnival has some competition here. What a GREAT night...so much fun!
Monday we wake up...and I feel great! What? whaaaat? whaaat? I dont get it? Yes I am fine. 4 days later and hello world, I greet you with a smile :) We have dixie lee for breakfast...hahaha...ok maybe that was a mistake but it sounded so good as we ordered it. Watched The Boondock Saints and then I was back in Trout Brook. I started to watch a Disney movie with Tavi, but before I knew it my eyes were opening and the Zebra had just won the race and I had drool down my cheek, it was 6:30pm. So much for catching that 15th wind. I thought what I needed was a Siesta...but turned out I need to sleep until the next morning! Yes, do the math...12.5 hrs of sleep. And still today at work I had the "slows", we had a new client coming in and Krista was explaining how to assess scars etc and I was getting about 1/3 of it. I spent a lot of the day snapping out of dazes and day dreams. I shudder to think of how I wouldve been if I had gone to bed at 11 as planned.
It's week 6. Where has the time gone? I am stuck in that place between wanting to be done, but not wanting to leave. This year is going to go fast ladies. Dont forget your camera.

1 comment:

Jo-Anna said...

We're in my little maori sassenach!