Tuesday, August 01, 2006

thank you spwinkaluh

So where did we leave off? I cant believe that was only 2 weeks ago. Everyone here has been keeping me fairly entertained, and I am having a lot of fun. We went to the exhibition and I had a good laugh watching Tavi chicken out of rides then pep talked her into some, as she screamed " I can do it!" and "I did it!" We went on some rides after that, I've discovered a new one that I am going to put in my backyard when I am rich. I got lucky and found a ride home for the weekend with Jeff, that was truly entertaining! After being held captive and forced to help Sarah pack we got out skim boarding again, sarah took some pictures so she probably has some pretty funny ones. Emily was having a rough bout with gravity. I didnt see many old friends at the BBQ, but I was lucky enough to get the job of serving pop to everyone, which consisted of standing in the sweltering heat and then periodically dipping my arm into ice water fishing for orange crush. Quite the sensation. Emilys birthday party was a bit rushed for me because I had to get back to the chi, so I missed the present opening, except mine (which of course she loved :P)I didnt even get to say goodbye to Sarah because she was driving our cousin home. I get up the next morning to go to work and upon packing my lunch into my backpack realize that in my haste I left it at home. Ah right, great, no problem...it just has all my work stuff in it...and it just happens to be week 4. So my midterm was postponed until I could get my objectives sheets sent up on the bus. :) Midterm went great, she of course loves me! haha. Oh yeah and I got an email from Sheila B asking me to send her some quotes encouraging masters students to enter OT and to talk about my fieldwork experiences...does anyone else find this ironic? I did it, of course...I must not be the only one she asked though. I even had to take pictures on fieldwork so we had a photo shoot while I made a splint...look for me...my mug may be plastered on the side of the school when we get back! hahaha and one of my quotes is about how we save lives...I love it...I cant wait to hear back from her.
Last weekend was action packed, we all went tubing at Betsy's then we went out to the beach and in to Barnaby days, I stayed over at Erins and then we went to the beach again the next day. Good times. We have some great plans for this upcoming weekend too, but I'll leave you in suspense.
JoAnna and I got emails about NZ, well actually JoAnna and Margaret got emails about NZ because the school is trying to test my patience in regards to fieldwork. JoAnna called and has me all excited about going now, we had to fill out application forms and send out NZ money to register soon. I just have to wait until Thursday when the bank stays open later so I can get the foreign money exchange. I went there monday and they were like, what is NZ money? HAHA I was like uh...I dont know, I was kind of hoping you guys would know...they didnt seem to know much about exchanging money.
So, yeah,placement is awesome, I have 8 clients and I am going through the waiting list to pick out which ones I want to add and then discharging the ones I think are ready to go...I tried to talk one of the cute guys into staying on by doing a work hardening program but he didnt want to use the machine so I may have to DC him anyway...Betsy said to just tell Krista he needs 2 more weeks of my edema massages...hmm...


Jo-Anna said...

Chickee, you better get that in the mail ASAP. They should know what a bank draft is for heavens sake, ITS A CHEQUE FROM THE BANK!!! Mine is off in the mail! It's really happening! We're on our way! Get on it! You only live once right!

Melissa said...

haha Jo...the bank was closed, thats why I have to go on Thursday when they are open until 5...its a good thing I dont test you on these things. However, nice melissa radar, I would almost think you sat there refreshing it all day until I wrote :P