Thursday, July 06, 2006

Welcome to miramichell :)

So I have been away from a computer for 2 weeks and have found a chance to sit down and give an update to my loyal fans! :P It turned out to not be my last weekend in Freddy and Suzie, Lisa and her boyfriend and I went out on the town that Friday, I have pictures but they are on my computer and I am not. Saturday morning Suzie and I went down to the market one last time and I got somosas (I also even took a picture of them, but alas...) Mom came down Sunday and we left Monday for home, with a pitstop at the blue door so I could have some Thai food before returning to the woods. I had a great time at home, spent some time on the beach, got to go swimming and so did Nanuk (I have the scratch and bruise to prove it), watched movies with my sister and Christopher and went out to Westville for the Canada Day celebrations (can check that off my to do list and never return).
Found out that I lost the apt in Hali and walked home from my aunts in tears, called for the place in Miramichi and found out I lost it too. Had a panic attack. No joke. Haha...christopher had the voice mail to prove it but he deleted (I would have kept it for a good laugh and possible bribe material later but I guess Chris doesnt plan ahead). I am staying with Betsy at her place with her boyfriend, a couple and their 4 yr old daughter. I am quite the novelty to the little girl (Octavia...took me 2 days to realize that was her name, I thought it was tabitha?) She just calls me "that girl". I am her new play toy. She asks Betsy when we get home "Is that girl with you again?" and then shows me a new game we are going to play. I dont think she has realized yet that I live here. The other night at bedtime she didnt want to go and was starting to whine when her dad said, she will be here tomorrow, she said oh, and went to bed :)

Work so far has been great! Interesting clients again, and so far very different from anything I have done so ample learning opportunities! Retraining after a stroke, fitting splints, doing assessments etc. I've gone with physio ot see what they do with my client who was in a car accident and tore his FDP and is now all adhered, I may get to put him on the BTE so thats exciting; I cant wait to set up some programs on that. I watched a carpel tunnel release surgery today and I am pretty sure I could do it myself. It would have to be my specialty though. Only CT releases haha.

And this weekend is the exam for OT certification so I am getting a ride home with Erin so I can see Nanuk and catch some of the lobster Carnival!

oh geeze, I forgot the best part. Betsy's family owns an outdoor adventure business! So I finally get some adventures for Melissa's Adventures. She said I should be able to get some good pictures on our tours. Last night we went there for a Northumberland Salmon Protection Association meeting about how the river is plugged up with gill nets etc....then we had a barbeque...fantastic! I got a bumper sticker from her mom "I fish- I vote" :)


Chris said...

i just figured out where i saw I FISH - I VOTE... it was here...

Lori-Beth Crowdis said...

Hey Melissa,
Sorry about the have no luck. Looking forward to seeing your adventures.
